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Kevin Slote: Data Science Consultant & Researcher

Aug 7

1 min read




Generative AI consulting services.

Why would you hire me to consult on your Generative AI projects? Here is a simple list explaining why you would want to hire me.

  • Integrate Generative AI into your products without creating a wrapper around OpenAI's ChatGPT.

  • Help developers and data scientists train their own transformers.

  • Cut through the grandiose claims and get to the nuts and bolts of implementation.

Generative AI and LLMs are mostly linear algebra. Most companies that offer wrappers hide the inner workings of generative AI behind services and wrappers.

One of the most prevalent anti-patterns in tech is engineers saying, "I am going to make this easy for data scientists." Not only have I never seen this make anything easier, but no one ever consults data scientists about what they need.

Companies need data scientists who understand the entire generative AI process as well as engineers who can call the open APIs for gen AI. My services are about empowering Data Scientists, Engineers, and Product Managers, as well as C-suite executives looking to bing real gen AI applications to their offerings.

Aug 7

1 min read





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